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Join Shuffle

$50 per Month

How it works:

Each month, an origin, variety or other category is designated for the round. Roasters send in a coffee and receive back one sample from each roaster. Roasters are then invited to a cupping session by Shuffle on Cropster Cup (free from AppStore). All roasters use the Cropster Cup app to assess the coffees and submit their results. The results are then shared.

Got questions?

Read through our FAQs below, get in touch via the contact form on the right or email

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What is the purpose of Shuffle?

Shuffle is an informal coffee swap where roasters exchange coffee.

Is it open to anyone?

Yes. Roasters involved in this project value transparency, quality, traceability, openness and collaboration. If this is you, please join!

How many roasters are involved?

There’s no limit. However there is a maximum of 15 samples per cupping (just to make it manageable).

Where are the roasters from?

Roasters from all over the world are involved.

How does it work?

Each month, an origin, variety or other category is designated for the round. Roasters send in a coffee matching this designation and receive back a maximum of 15 samples. Roasters are then invited to a cupping session by Shuffle on Cropster Cup. Roasters use the Cropster Cup app to assess the coffees. The results for each individual coffee are sent back to the respective roaster. Roasters involved in the report are kept anonymous. Lastly, the roasters, the coffees and their origin are then revealed, unless the roaster has opted to stay anonymous.

Why is the feedback anonymous?

One, to avoid bias during the cupping. Two, to ensure the feedback is unbiased, critical and positive. Three, to ensure roasters are never singled out in the group regarding feedback.

How are the coffees selected?

Each cupping is limited to origin or continent to make comparing samples easier. From there, the choice of coffee is completely up to the roaster.

Are there specific cupping protocols that need to be followed?

Roasters use the Cropster Cup app to assess the coffees. Aside from this, Roasters cup each sample following their regular in-house protocols.

Are the coffees scored?

Yes. But only as an indicator of a roasters preference for each coffee. Scores are not calibrated across roasters.

Is Shuffle a competition?

No. Shuffle is an informal way for roasters to try other roasters coffee and see what they have to say about it.

About Shuffle


Shuffle is a coffee swap for roasters. Born of the idea that comparing coffee and roast styles is an interesting and educational exercise for roasters. Shuffle sets out to make this possible on a regular basis. Roasters swap coffees each month.

If you have further questions about Shuffle, please see the frequently asked questions or contact us via our contact form below.